300 hundred Britons in a “Secret” war.
Adoo is a rebel and he lives up on the jebel
Adoo medical provision
Air attack threat and air defence of RAF Salalah
Airfield Research Group
Ambulance and Hut
Anaesthetist in Salalah – Geoffrey Sharwood-Smith
Anaesthetists Reports
Anaesthetist, The Anaesthetist’s Tale
Arab State gripped by a Soviet reign of terror.
Arms smuggling in 1965
Battle casualties
Blast injuries from a PNM mine
that refer to the war in Dhofar
“A Mild form of Insanity ” TUSON,M
“A Monk in the SAS” : SIBLEY,P
“Dangerous Frontiers”: BRYAN, R
– “Hawks of the HadramautALLFREE, P.S
“In the Service of the Sultan”GARDINER, I
– “Mercenaries – Counterinsurgency in the GulfHALLIDAY, F
– “Muscat CommandTHWAITES, P
– “Oman’s InsurgenciesPETERSON, J.E
SAS – Secret WarCOLE, R
SAS Secret War – Operation StormJEAPES, T
Soldier “I” “WINNER, P
Special Men, Special WarNIVEN, B,M
Statebuilding and Counterinsurgency in Oman LADWIG III,W
– (“The Butcher’s Bill”)de Bass, FWJ
“The Dhofar War and its Significance” McKEOWN, J
-““Secret War in Dhofar – 1971/72” ARKLESS,D.C
“Unshook until the end of Time”ALSON & LAING
“Where Soldiers Fear to Tread”FIENNES,R
-“Who Dares WinsGERAGHTY,A
“We Won a War”AKEHURST, J
-“With the SAS and Other AnimalsHIGGINS, A
Relating to Oman in General
“Arabia without SultansHALLIDAY, F
“Buraimi”MORTON, M
“Letters from Oman” GWYNNE-JAMES, D
“A Maverick Guide to Oman”OCHS, P
“Oman – the true life drama”BEASANT, J
“Sultan in Arabia- a private life”BEASANT, J
“The Wind of Morning”BOUSTEAD, H.
“Sultan in Oman”MORRIS, J
“Unknown Oman”PHILLIPS, W
“Warlords of Oman”ALLFREE, P.S
“Without Glory in Arabia”HINCHCLIFFE et al
“Dust and Fury”BARNETT, D
“The Feathermen”FIENNES, R
“The War Quellers”GEORGE, M
Relating to the RAMC in general
“The Conscript Doctors”BLAIR, J.S.G.
Relating to military matters
“Bell UH-1 Huey”BISHOP, C
“Jet Provost”CLARKE, R
25 Pdr Field Gun- 39 to 72″HENRY, C
“British Troops in Dhofar”
Britons Injured by Arab rocket attack
Bullet wound to the skull
Casualty evacuation timelines
Casualty Evacuation – Op Storm Guidelines
Casualty Mortality
Childrens’ Army
Commander, Dhofar, Directive
Commcen – Alan Marshall
Counterinsurgency – Supporting Allies
Customer Base
Death from natural causes
Desert Boots
Directive to Commander Dhofar
Dhofar Forces
Diseases on Offer
Enemy tactics and PFLOAG
Field experience Tri-Service Anaesthetic Machine
FST customer base
FST, Other incarnations
FST standing orders
Gun, The Mirbat
Habarut, Incursion at
Hannah, Ken
Hauf, Action agains
HM Embassy, report on PDRY
Incoming FST
Instant Arab NHS
Interesting gunshot wound
Know your enemy
Laboratory report – Dave Barrow
Last FST in Oman
Lenin School, The
Links to video sources
Local overseas allowance
Maps and Diagrams
Mine warfare
Mirbat, The Affair at
(Mirbat, 2010 VT Notes and Images)
Neostigmine and Diathermy – Yet again !
Nikolai Pirogov
Noble Prizes for Dhofar
Officers who die on a distant battlefield
Omani, FST
Oman, The threats to
Oman, where women now have a say
Operating theatre record book
Op Mahra
Op Simba
Operational Record Book RAF Form 540
Palms, blue skies and sandy beaches
PDRY, Possible retaliatory air threat
PDRY Problems
Postie, The Postie’s Tale
Press Reporting
Prisoners 12,13 1nd 14
Radio 219
Radiographers Report – Roger Hicks
Radiographers Tale – Bob Atkinson
RAF Form 836 – Additional Information
RAF Regiment 51 Sqdn
RAF Salalah Presentations
Resupply scandal
(Resupply scandal – revisited)
(Royal Engineers in Dhofa)
Said bin Taimur ? Justification
Salalah HookSalalah Hook, The
Salalah Song
Simba, Op – Photographs taken in the 2010 VT Tour
Situation reports
Smuggling, arms into Dhofar
Snowdrops in Salalah
SOAF aircraft in 1972
SOAF and Mirbat
Soviet Press Reporting
Starling Pete – Three articles
Station brief for incoming team
Station Medical Officer – Nick Cetti
Sultan in Suffolk
Surgeon’s Reports – April, May, June 1972
Tail End Charlies – The Last FST
Tawi Atair
Team Members
The Anaesthetist’s Tale
The Postie’s Tale
The Surgeon’s Tale
(The Telegraphist’s Tale)
(Veterans’ Tour 2010)
Veterinary Report 1971 -GR Durrant RAVC
(Video links)
War Casualties in Oman – A limited experience
Sn Sarfait 750x507 Web
Western Dhofar 23 Nov 22 Web 750x544
Sherishitti Sh 980 Deefa 750x656
Sherishitti Caves
Dianas Web 600
Sn Hawf 750x507